Because Community Matters – Join mSummit and get Inspired!

21 Aug

I recently had the privilege of speaking with ReinventingM Network founder Meghan Simington about her vision for what is now proving to be one of the most rapidly expanding network for connecting women in the marketplace, this side of the country.

What I love about her goal for this platform is the connections, education, and access to support that will enable many working moms seeking to define themselves outside of the stereotypical mommy-sphere.

After-all we’re still human right?  Not baby making robots, and we want to create a name for ourselves without being referred to so & so’s caregiver, at least I know I do!

What’s exciting about this ever improving plug for us moms, is the fact that 2013 marks the third year that Meghan’s Full Day Summit takes place, and this season’s mixer & speaker lineup is proving to have already outdone its past successes.  I mean it’s going to be off the hook amazing!

With speakers such as Arlene Dickinson, ReinventingM Network founder Meghan Simington, CYBF Regional Director for BC Jill Earthy, NEXT Marketing Agency Founder Sandy Gerber, and local TV personality Tamara Taggart, the lineup proves to be jam packed with keynotes that will leave you inspired.

You’re likely wondering at this point why I’m selflessy flaunting this unique new platform that ladies like you and I NEED to plug in to.  Well, the truth is (there’s a prize involved…)… ahummm and well I love to write, I love to talk about ideas that I am passionate about, and words just come easily to me. I have a lot to say, and I don’t mind sharing it with the world, especially when it’s in support of helping women plug in to inspiration, education and solutions that will grow their business!


So here’s the fun part, bloggers like you and I have the opportunity to actually WIN a Full Day’s pass to this exciting and inspiring event!  That means one lucky gal is going to win the entire Kit and Caboodle, and trust me, it’s worth you taking the 2 minutes to do your duty and ENTER:

For event details be sure to also visit their interactive web page:


The Warm Apple Pie Project

18 Jun

Last night I had such a great conversation with Gary Jones, @financialrunner, on our need for #community.  We need more of it, and in abundance.  People are craving the #social interactions that it brings as never before. Our physical, spiritual, and emotional health are suffering because of the disconnect we now experience.  Yet, it’s a known fact that those who live in small communities with interdependent relationships have greater health & well-being!

An example of this disconnect is Depression.  Have you ever wondered why it’s so predominant today?  Believe it or not, not everyone has a loving spouse, family or friends to lean on when their dealing with hard thoughts or tough issues.  Many people have to deal with their own thoughts and problems on their own… and that “loneliness” can lead to some serious mental health issues.  But there is hope… there’s actually an old saying that when facing an issue, “once the Village knows about it, it isn’t a problem anymore”.

Do you why?  

Because when we genuinely unburden ourselves to the people who care about us and love us, our problem is no longer faced alone.  There is now a network of able bodied citizens who step up to do whatever is necessary in helping us cope emotionally and mentally, they may cook us meals and clean our home, they may take us out for coffee, and they may help us come up with tools to manage our problems. Unfortunately, in North America, this type of interdependence is unheard of.

We instead work 12-16 hour days, trying to keep up with the Joneses, instead of being our authentic selves.  We have no time to share our authenticity with others.  We’re too busy wearing masks, we have mass amounts responsibilities, places to be, money to spend, and technology to distract us from true connections.

We are even hesitant to share information with those closest to us because society teaches us that no one is trustworthy enough, no one can ever #LOVE US enough or accept us for who we TRULY are, and that gossip is too easily created because #integrity is non-existent.

Is this the world you want to live in?  I DON’T! 

This isn’t the version of planet earth that I signed up for, nor is it the type of #community setting that I want to live in or raise my children in.


I’m going to put this challenge out to you today because I’d like to start something…

I’m inviting you to BE RADICAL.

THE CHALLENGE:  We all know that food is the way to almost anyone’s heart.  Your Challenge should you wish to accept it, is to connect with someone, anyone, by baking them a Warm Apple Pie.  You can bake Warm Apple Pie cookies, Muffins, Quiches, Loaves, or Bars.. get CREATIVE!  Anything that embodies that warm wonderful feeling of coming home is what it’s all about, and then delivering the baked goods with a note to someone that let’s them know who you are and that you care.  Do it as often or as little as you want.  Take photos of your journey, and tag it to your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook under #TheWarmApplePieProject..